Monday, December 10, 2012

Dawn Richard Poses For Rolling Out Magazine

Dawn Richard sizzles things up in the weekly edition of Rolling Out magazine. The singer spoke on Diddy Dirty Money, Danity Kane, her solo career, her success and more with the magazine in this interview. Dawn keeps it real in this interview - as always, holding nothing back. The Save Me From You singer recently released a brand new Christmas EP Whiteout which has been slaying the charts since it's release last week. Richard is schedule to release her first solo album in the first quarter of 2013 - GoldenHeart - The Trilogy. 

But why go solo now? The Last Train to Paris album was phenomenal. It seemed like you guys could do several albums.
Well, Puff was done. He didn’t want to do it anymore, and I couldn’t sit back and wait around to see what was going to happen next. So instead of waiting, I asked could I be released from my contract, and he was gracious enough to let that happen. I gave him six years of my life, and now I’m just excited about this next phase. Like I said before, every moment up until this point was just getting me ready to step out on my own.

You seem so confident that you are going to be successful. Do you ever worry that you have a quality or a personality trait that might hold you back?
Nothing will hold me back from the point of destination. I’m too hungry. I want it too badly and it’s not for the reasons people think. I want it because there’s a message to be told and there’s a story to be told.

With your circle now so small, how do you choose and decide who gets close to you and who doesn’t?
Easy, I can smell fake from 10 miles away. If it looks fake, if it smells fake, it is fake. Plain and simple, I don’t want “yes people” around me; I want smart people around me. With that being said, that’s why there are five people around me. A lot of people want to be with you and tell you “yes” to get where you are and steal the shine.

Read the rest of her interview with Rolling Out here.

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